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Sustainability | Marketing | International Business

Assistant Professor at The University of Toledo

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Dr. Napier's research focuses on the investigation of multinational firms and their interaction with local economies and environments. The topics she is most interested in are corporate social responsibility (CSR), international business ethics, global business strategy, and the internationalization of the firm.


With degrees in Anthropology (BA), International Business  (MA), and Marketing (PhD), she has a unique understanding of what motivates both individuals and firms. She is especially interested in multinational firm performance, unique partnerships, and their impact on the host country’s environmental and financial resources. Specifically, by understanding how multinational firms utilize explicit and tacit knowledge, she works to build theory that can support employee innovation and environmental sustainability.

Dr. Napier has been published in top journals such as Harvard Business Review, International Business Review, and Rutgers Business Review and has presented her research at premiere conferences such as the Academy of International Business (AIB), the American Marketing Association (AMA), and the Consortium for International Marketing and Research (CIMAR). 

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Department of Marketing and International Business

College of Business and Innovation

The University of Toledo

2801 Bancroft Street

Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390

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