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Napier, Elizabeth , Rau, Pradeep. (2017) Operationalizing Porter’s Diamond: An investigation of the macroeconomic factors that affect a nation’s trade competitiveness. Manuscript presented at Academy of International Business South East conference in Washington D.C., October 2017.


Napier, Elizabeth , Bozos, Konstantinos, Liu, Steven, (2018) Firm Investment in Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Risk. Manuscript presented at Academy of International Business South East conference in Nashville, TN, October 2018.


Liu, Steven, Napier, Elizabeth, Runfola, Andrea, Cavusgil, Salih Tamer (2019) Partnering for Sustainability and Social Responsibility in the Fashion Industry: Pitfalls and Propositions. Manuscript presented at Consortium for International Marketing Research in Atlanta, GA, September 2018.


Napier, Elizabeth , Zedylmayer, Gabriele, Cavusgil, Salih Tamer (2019) The Promise of Technology for Corporate Social Responsibility: Drivers and Challenges of the Energy Revolution for Sustainable Business. Manuscript presented at Academy of International Business United Kingdom conference in Brighton, England March 2019.


Napier, Elizabeth  (2019) Does Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Guilt in the Purchase of Hedonic Products? Understanding and Marketing to New Consumer Preferences presented at the Consortium for International Business Research in Ankara, Turkey, June 2019.


Napier, Elizabeth , Bozos, Konstantinos, Liu, Steven, (2019) How do MNEs Quantify Corporate Social Sustainability? An Analysis of Social Responsibility Impact Indices on Stakeholder Outcomes. Manuscript presented at the Academy of International Business in Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2019.


Alvarado-Vargas, Marcelo, Napier, Elizabeth (2020) Changing neighborhoods: Explaining divestment speed from China. Manuscript presented at the Academy of International Business Latin America and Caribbean Conference (virtual), July 2020.


Alvarado-Vargas, Marcelo, Napier, Elizabeth (2020) To D.I.V.E. (or Not) into Deep Waters: Assessment Tool for Digital Innovation. Manuscript presented at the Academy of International Business Conference (virtual), July 2020.


Napier, Elizabeth, Ku, Sarah (2020) One Man's Trash is Another Man's Trouser: Food Waste for Sustainable Fashion. Manuscript presented at the American Marketing Association Academic Conference (virtual), August 2020.


Napier, Elizabeth, (2021) The Future of Corporate Social Responsibility: Linking Technology with CSR to Restructure Firm Strategy. Manuscript presented at the Academy of International Business Conference (virtual), June 20201.


Napier, Elizabeth, Yoruk, Irem (2021) Does Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Guilt in the Purchase of Hedonic Products: Understanding and Marketing to New Consumer Preferences. Manuscript presented at the Academy of International Business Conference South East Conference (virtual), October 2021.


Napier, Elizabeth (2022)  Technology Enable CSR – How Social Responsibility Can Make the World a Better Place. Manuscript presented at the Academy of International Business Conference, July 2022.


Napier, Elizabeth (2023) Wear what you eat: How biomimicry can solve the fast-fashion problem. Invited panelist and research presented at Yale University’s Diversity Equity, Inclusion, Sustainability Conference, May 2023.


Ku, Sarah, Napier, Elizabeth (2024) Trash to Trousers: International Sustainability and Circular Economy of Waste for Textiles. Manuscript accepted to the Academy of International Business Conference, Seoul, South Korea, June 2024.




Conference Proceedings: Bio
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