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Napier, Elizabeth, Sanguineti Francesca (2018). Fashion Merchandisers’ Slash and Burn Dilemma: A Consequence of Over Production and Excessive Waste?. Rutgers Business Review, 3(2).
Napier, Elizabeth (2019) MNE-NGO Partnerships: A Promising Method for Corporate Social Responsibility. (pending publication for the book by Edward Edgar); Socially-responsible international business: Critical issues and the way forward, co-edited by L.C. Leonidou, C.S. Katsikeas, S. Saimee, and C.N. Leonoidou.
Liu, Steven, Napier, Elizabeth, Runfola, Andrea, Cavusgil, Salih Tamer (2020) MNE-NGO Partnerships for Sustainability and Social Responsibility in the Global Fast-Fashion Industry: A Loose-Coupling Perspective; International Business Review.
Cavusgil, Salih Tamer, van der Vegt, Sebastian, Napier, Elizabeth, (2022) Lessons in Longevity from an 88-Year-Old Zipper Company; Harvard Business Review Insights.
Napier, Elizabeth, Knight, Gary, Luo, Yadong, & Delios, Andrew (2023). Corporate social performance in international business. Journal of International Business Studies, 54(1), 61-77.
Napier, Elizabeth., Liu, Steven Y.H., & Liu, Jingting (2024). Adaptive strength: Unveiling a multilevel dynamic process model for organizational resilience. Journal of Business Research, 171, 114334.
Publications: Education
Napier, Elizabeth, Bozos, Konstantinos (2019) Firm Investment in Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Risk. (Manuscript in preparation, targeting Journal of International Business Studies).
Napier, Elizabeth, Zedlmayer, Gabriele (2020) New Prospects for CSR through Technology. (Manuscript in preparation, targeting California Management Review).
Napier, Elizabeth (2020) The Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility: How has AI transformed CSR? (Manuscript under review, Journal of Business Ethics).
Napier, Elizabeth, Cavusgil, Salih Tamer (2020) Why is YKK on all your Zippers? (Case study in preparation, targeting Journal of International Marketing).
Publications: Education
Napier, Elizabeth, Rau, Pradeep. (2017) Operationalizing Porter’s Diamond: An investigation of the macroeconomic factors that affect a nation’s trade competitiveness. (Manuscript presented at Academy of International Business South East conference in Washington D.C., October 2017, targeting Journal of International Business Studies).
Napier, Elizabeth, Parker, Jeffrey (2018) The Effect if Corporate Social Responsibility on the Purchase on Consumer Guilt in the Purchase of Hedonic Products. (Manuscript in preparation, targeting Journal Consumer Research).
Zedlmayer, Gabriele, Napier, Elizabeth, Cavusgil, Salih Tamer (2018) Enhance Your Business’s Corporate Social Responsibility by Adapting Technology: The Future of Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability. (Manuscript in preparation, targeting Harvard Business Review).
Napier, Elizabeth (2019) Does the fear of missing out (FoMO) breakdown or reinforce organizational information silos?
Napier, Elizabeth, Ku, Sarah (2019) Strategic AI for Waste Management - from Trash to Cash.
Alvarado-Vargas, Marcelo, Napier, Elizabeth (2020) Changing neighborhoods: Explaining divestment speed from China.
Alvarado-Vargas, Marcelo, Napier, Elizabeth (2020) To D.I.V.E. (or Not) into Deep Waters: Assessment Tool for Digital Innovation.
Napier, Elizabeth, Ku, Sarah (2021) One Man's Trash is Another Man's Trouser: Food Waste for Sustainable Fashion.
Napier, Elizabeth, Yoruk, Irem (2021) Does Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Guilt in the Purchase of Hedonic Products? Understanding and Marketing to New Consumer Preferences.
Napier, Elizabeth, Cavusgil, S.T. (2021) Why is YKK on all the Zippers? How a Zipper Company has Remained Competitive.
Publications: Education
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